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TPU hot melt

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TPU for magnetic carrier

Principle: evenly coat magnetic material and additives on base materials such as plastic film or plastic sheet.


(1) Good physical & chemical properties200961810533063297.jpg
(2) Good solubility in commonly used solvents;
(3) Good dispersiveness against magnetic particle and good adhesiveness with base magnetic particle and base material
(4) No adhesiveness after coating film is solidified.

Recommended application: it is used to magnetic recording carriers as an adhesive for producing magnetic recording material such as audio tape, video cassette, telephone card and bank card.

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Kunshan Lujia Shitailong International Plastics City G District No. 6| technical support:SUN
Add:Kunshan City, Yushan Town, Xiao Linlu No. 996 Tel:0512-50337223 Fax:0512-50337496