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TPU hot melt

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Polyurethane sealant


(1)Good physical & chemical properties.
(2)Good initial tack and strong bonding force;
(3)Hydrolysis resistance, durable, aging resistance and wear resistance;200961810544694395.jpg(4)No corrosion against base material, no penetration pollution;
(5)No solvent, non-toxic and odour free;
(6)Good spreadability.

Recommended application: jointing, bonding and sealing of light structure on building; fitting tight for auto window, assembly of car body and other parts; sealing of sewer, gas underground network, etc.

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Kunshan Lujia Shitailong International Plastics City G District No. 6| technical support:SUN
Add:Kunshan City, Yushan Town, Xiao Linlu No. 996 Tel:0512-50337223 Fax:0512-50337496